Pier Vittorio Tondelli

Pier Vittorio Tondelli

Centro di documentazione

Tondelli’s personal library

Pier Vittorio Tondelli’s personal library was donated by the Tondelli family to the City of Correggio in October 2018.
It consists of 2,552 books found in Pier Vittorio Tondelli’s homes and a thousand other documents including press review articles, notes, correspondence, and audiotapes.
Its shelving arrangement within the Documentation Center mirrors that handed over by the family.

The donation was announced to the public during the last Tondelli Day 2018 on Saturday, Dec. 15, by Correggio Mayor Ilenia Malavasi, brother Giulio Tondelli, and testamentary trustee Fulvio Panzeri.

The inventory compiled by the “Giulio Einaudi” Library on the basis of a previous document made by a private firm commissioned by the heirs, will be integrated by the end of 2019 with the complete scientific description, from a catalographic point of view, of the donated documents.
Consultation is possible only on the premises, and to access it, the scholar is required to fill out an application for access to the service containing:
(a) generalities of the applicant;
(b) subject of the research;
(c) purpose of the research;

For any aspect related to consultation, please refer to:
Provisions for the consultation of material forming part of the “PIER VITTORIO TONDELLI PERSONAL LIBRARY FUND.”

Requests should be sent to: biblioteca@comune.correggio.re.it

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Last update

5 March 2025, 14:26