Pier Vittorio Tondelli

Pier Vittorio Tondelli

Centro di documentazione

Camere separate for listening

A new audiobook for “Emons : Libri e audiolibri” Camere separate   Introduction of Alessandro Zaccuri of Pier Vittorio Tondelli read by Matteo Martari     Full audiobook version     “Camere separate” is the book of the love between Leo and Thomas and of Thomas’s death, it is the book of Leo’s loneliness and of his rebirth.

A new audiobook for “Emons : Libri e audiolibri”

Camere separate


Introduction of Alessandro Zaccuri

of Pier Vittorio Tondelli

read by Matteo Martari



Full audiobook version



“Camere separate”

is the book of the love between Leo and Thomas and of Thomas’s death, it is the book of Leo’s loneliness and of his rebirth. It is Tondelli’s last novel, the one with which the cosmopolitan and noisy utopia of the 1980s comes to an end.’
from the audio-introduction by Alessandro Zaccuri.




Last update

6 March 2025, 16:02