Intercity Winter 2025 – Tondelli Reading Terza Edizione
ETS Limonaia Theatre presents INTERCITY WINTER 2025 Theatre of the Limonaia- Sesto Fiorentino (FI) Saturday 1 February 2025 8.
ETS Limonaia Theatre
Theatre of the Limonaia- Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Saturday 1 February 2025 8.30 p.m.
Third Edition
curated by Bruno Casini and Cricket’s Lullaby
Free entrance on compulsory booking
Tondelli Reading is an annual appointment of Intercity Winter at the Teatro della Limonaia ETS.
Tondelli Reading is an evening of readings and more, a happening dedicated to the Emilian writer, and was born following the 3rd revised and expanded edition of Tondelli e la musica, colonne sonore per gli anni ‘80 edited by Bruno Casini (Interno4 edizioni).
Cricket’s Lullaby is a Florentine band formed in 2021 and has a debut album to its credit that has been appreciated throughout Europe.
Participants include:
I Cricket’s Lullaby sono una band fiorentina nata nel 2021 e ha all’attivo un album d’esordio apprezzato in tutta Europa.
Francesca Tofanari (theatre critic and writer), Adriano Primadei (musician), Marco Mannucci (communication expert), Sara Maggi (journalist), Alice Chiari (musician), Andrea Rega (actor), Pinky Cristina Giachi (artist), Sandro Pestelli (designer), Betty Barsantini (journalist), Dimitri Milopulos (director), Vincenzo Striano (writer), Maria Paternostro (events editor), Silvia Minelli (Culture manager), Roberta Vannucci (activist lgbtiq+), , Barbara Pignotti (actress), Nicola Vannini (musician), Paolo Baldi (Florence Queer Festival’s Foundator), Giacomo Aloigi,Stefano Magnaschi,Sara Modesti (musicians),Michele Rossi (Gabinetto Vieusseux).
Pier Vittorio Tondelli and Crickets’ Lullaby is a pairing that for three years now has accompanied the cycle of readings from Tondelli’s works organised by Bruno Casini and hosted by the Teatro della Limonaia in Sesto Fiorentino as part of Intercity Winter. Music and literature have always spoken to each other, influenced and contaminated each other, and for the Crickets’ Lullaby Tondelli represents, more than a source of inspiration, an artistic and sentimental guide. So much so that the atmospheres of Rimini that see saxophonist Alberto and writer Bruno May as protagonists, or the lacerating and self-destructive melancholy that dulls Leo in Camere Separate, could be accompanied by the music of the Crickets’ Lullaby, in a sort of apocryphal soundtrack. Tondelli was often a spectator at those legendary 1980s Florentine new wave concerts at which Giacomo Aloigi and Stefano Magnaschi, the two third plus agé of the Crickets, were also present. It is therefore not surprising that those same vibrations, perceived and coexisted with, can be found both in Tondelli’s writings and in the music of the Crickets. On the occasion of this third edition of the Tondelli Reading, the Florentine band (which, in addition to Magnaschi and Aloigi, includes singer Sara Modesti) will premiere their new video extracted from their new album The dissolution, due out in March 2025
In collaboration with Music Pool and the Hottanta Remix Association. Thanks to the Teatro della Limonaia in Sesto Fiorentino and Dimitri Milopulos.
A multi-voiced book that investigates the relationship between Pier Vittorio Tondelli and music, between the written word and the musical rhythm that sustains it. There are many contributions in the book, from the unpublished texts written by Tondelli for the Skiantos and presented here does Freak Antoni to the memories of Luciano Ligabue who lived in the same building in Correggio, from the friendships of Giovanni Lindo Ferretti to the Florentine walks with Sandro Lombardi and then again Massimo Zamboni, Federico Fiumani, journalists such as Alberto Piccinini, Stefano Pistolini, Luca Scarlini, Pierfrancesco Pacoda, Ernesto De Pascale, Paolo De Bernardin, Giuseppe Videtti and again the photographer Derno Ricci, writers Mario Fortunato, Filippo Betto, director Mario Martone and Giancarlo Cauteruccio, singer Nicoletta Magalotti and the fundamental contribution of Fulvio Panzeri to whom the book is dedicated.
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10 Marzo 2025, 12:54